Cara Mendatangkan Ribuan Pengunjung ke Web/Blog Anda

Saran saya....halaman ini sebaiknya anda save dulu. Dan luangkan waktu untuk membacanya saat off-line.... Jika anda tidak butuh trafik, anda boleh meninggalkan halaman ini.... Namun, jika anda sangat butuh trafik ada baiknya anda membaca artikel ini sampai selesai... 

Sebelum anda lanjut, mungkin anda bertanya-tanya mengapa anda membutuhkan trafik? Inilah alasannya.

  1. Trafik adalah salah satu indikator yang digunakan google dan search engine lainnya untuk menentukan seberapa penting blog atau website anda.
  2. Trafik juga menjadi indikator bahwa blog anda adalah blog yang terpercaya, sehingga anda akan jauh lebih mudah meraih posisi di halaman pertama Google.
  3. Jika anda sedang mengikuti program posting berbayar maka anda amat sangat memerlukan trafik melebihi anda memerlukan Pagerank. Jika Alexa anda di atas 300.000, maka anda akan sangat mudah memenangkan bid (tawar menawar) dengan pengiklan.
Ok, akan sangat sulit bagi saya untuk menjelaskan kelebihan program ini, sebelum saya menjelaskan cara bermainnya. Saya pastikan cara ini lebih mudah daripada blogwalking setiap hari. Coba hitung berapa waktu yang anda habiskan setiap harinya untuk blogwalking??? Dan berapa banyak yang bisa anda undang setiap kali anda blogwalking??? Saya juga blogwalking dan mungkin itu akan menjadi kegiatan harian saya karena kelebihan blogwalking yang tidak dimiliki oleh sistem apapun yaitu PERSAHABATAN.

Di sistem ini ada beberapa tindakan yang perlu anda lakukan. Lakukanlah tanpa menutup halaman ini (soalnya ini adalah panduan bahasa Indonesia anda, aslinya dalam bahasa Inggris).
    Step 1
  • Segeralah menuju ke halaman
  • Setelah masuk pada halaman utama, geser halaman ke bawah sampai anda menemukan tampilan 7 gambar thumbnails situs.
  • Anda hanya perlu memasukkan kode angka masing-masing situs ke kotak yang tersedia dibawahnya.

  • Caranya dengan Klik kanan di setiap gambar thumbnails dan pilihlah (open in a new tab) untuk membuka masing-masing situs di tab baru. Sehingga akan terbuka 7 tab baru.
  • Di atas jendela setiap Tab akan ada Bar berwarna biru dengan tulisan “AD CODE GENERATION....please wait”. Tunggulah sampai muncul kode angka lalu Copy pastekan masing-masing kode angka yang muncul pada setiap situs itu ke masing-masing kotak yang tersedia di bawah 7 gambar situs tersebut. Semua kotak yang tersedia berjumlah 7 harus Anda isi dengan kode angkanya tadi.
  • Langkah berikutnya adalah Mengisi Form Registrasi Info dan submit.
Step 2

Anda akan mendapat email konfirmasi. Buka e-mail yang anda masukkan pada formulir tadi. Klik link konfirmasi yang akan membawa anda masuk ke halaman ucapan selamat. Catat ID dan Password anda kemudian klik MEMBER ADMIN AREA. Anda harus login. Setelah tombol submit ditekan muncul halaman yang disitu ada Link Id Anda. Catat link tsb. Di bawah ada tabel yang berguna untuk memantau perkembangan sistem anda. Tampilan inilah yang akan anda gunakan untuk mengukur pertumbuhan sistem ini.

Sekarang anda perlu mempromosikan link keanggotaan Anda, layaknya viral service yang lain. Buatlah blog seperti yang sedang anda baca saat ini. Blognya haruslah blog baru dan tidak ada hubungannya dengan blog yang anda ingin promosikan (PENTING!). Isilah blog itu dengan artikel semacam ini, tapi jika anda malas, silahkan Copy Paste artikel ini. catatan bagi yang copy paste: Pada tahap pertama di atas ada sebuah link, link itu adalah link keanggotaan saya, harap ganti dengan link anda sendiri. Untuk Copy Paste, sorot saja semua bagian artikel ini dan copy. Semua text dan gambar akan otomatis tercopy dan bisa dipaste di ENTRI BARU

Sekarang masuklah ke blog yang anda promosikan (blog utama anda) kemudian pasang link di sidebar anda yang menuju ke URL keanggotaan anda (PENTING!).

    Baiklah sekarang saya akan menjelaskan keunggulan program ini dibandingkan program viral lainnya.
  1. Program ini adalah program berbahasa Inggris sehingga anda bisa mengajak blogger Luar Negeri untuk bergabung.
  2. Program ini mengharuskan pesertanya mengklik thumbnail untuk mendapatkan kode, jadi pasti pertambahan anggota akan menghasilkan Traffic bagi anda. Program viral lain hanya menawarkan baclink dan tidak ada jaminan anggota baru mengklik link anda. Program ini tidak hanya menawarkan backlink, tapi juga menawarkan trafik yang membantu Alexa Rank anda.
  3. Berapa banyak trafik itu: Perhatikanlah bahwa ada 6 thumbnail, setiap kali ada yang mendaftar maka dia akan menempati urutan pertama, dan jika ada referal baru mendaftar dia akan turun ke peringkat 2, dst. Anggap saja masing-masing kita mengajak 10 orang saja (sangat mungkin lebih), maka jumlah kunjungan dan backlink anda adalah:
    Di posisi 1: 10 link dan kunjungan Di posisi 2: 100 link dan kunjungan Di posisi 3: 1000 link dan kunjungan Di posisi 4: 10000 link dan kunjungan Di posisi 5: 100000 link dan kunjungan Di posisi 6: 1000000 link dan kunjungan
    Bisakah anda membayangkan jika blog anda dikunjungi 1.000.000 orang dan mendapat 1.000.000 backlink (one-way backlink!). Berapa alexa rank, pagerank dan link popularity anda? Luar biasa besarnya! Tidak akan ada yang menolak bid anda. Banyak yang akan meminta memasang iklan di blog anda, dan itu berarti income dalam jumlah yang besar. Hanya nutuh sedikit waktu untuk mendaftar. Perhatian: sifat sistem ini mirip bisnis jaringan tapi sebenarnya sangat berbeda, karena tidak akan ada istilah jenuh. Mengapa? Karena setiap saat muncul blog baru, bahkan anda bisa menjadi anggota dari anggota anda sendiri, dengan mendaftarkan blog yang berbeda. Dengan kata lain skemanya bukan piramid melainkan jaring laba-laba Dapatkah anda melihat angka di atas? Banyak artikel viral link yang diedarkan mengatakan bisa mendapat jutaan link padahal mereka hanya bermain di Indonesia. Blogger serius di Indonesia tidak sebanyak itu....
  4. Backlink yang lebih berkualitas. Mengapa? Apakah anda memperhatikan bahwa di atas anda diminta untuk membuat backlink dari blog utama anda ke halaman URL keanggotaan anda. Hal ini ditujukan untuk membantu search engine mengindeks halaman keanggotaan anda ini. Untuk 1 link keluar yang menuju URL keanggotaan anda ini, anda berpotensi mendapatkan 1.000.000 backlink yang one way backlink. Apakah anda merugikan orang lain (mencuri Pagerank orang lain). Tentu tidak! Backlink anda akan berasal dari URL keanggotaan orang tersebut dan bukan berasal dari URL blog utama orang tersebut. Berapa nilai Backlink dari halaman keanggotaan itu? Meskipun PRnya sangat kecil, namun karena jumlah link yang ada Cuma 7 biji, maka nilai PR yang ditawarkan lebih baik daripada PR yang diperoleh dari blog dengan PR2 yang memiliki 150 link dalam 1 halamannya (Peserta link exchange).

Jika anda benar-benar membutuhkan trafik dan backlink, maka menurut saya pribadi, cara ini bisa membantu anda. Tinggal mempromosikannya dengan baik ke minimal 10 orang. Biarkanlah mereka menentukan apakah mereka membutuhkan Trafik dan Backlink ini. Namun jika anda membaca sampai di titik ini, maka tidak ada keraguan lagi anda MEMANG MEMBUTUHKAN TRAFIK DAN BACKLINK.
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Uruguay Coach Oscar Washington Tabarez Interested To Train Indonesian Soccer

Uruguay coach, Oscar Washington Tabarez, issued a statement appealing. Former AC Milan coach opening up to train the Indonesian national team, which is currently being handled by Alfred Riedl.
Tabarez revealed that Indonesian football is in fact not a new thing he knew. He already knew about Indonesian football when the U-16 national team training at the Uruguayan some time ago.
This nice man said that if Indonesia had the potential to excel internationally. "You've got quality players who actually fine. Style Indonesian game too fast," he said. 
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Rano Karno require their children to the bookstore

To foster interest in reading to their children,  Rano Karno requires children to read so we know the benefits reading books. Not only that, he also requires her to frequently visit the bookstore.
" I always apply my interest in reading among children because I really know the benefits of reading. Even my son, I am enjoined to always go to the bookstore," He said.
Rano Karno said now reading the book facilities very easy to get, so that should be utilized as much as possible.
cast Si Doel is told when he was school age which is too difficult compared to this time a more advanced and provide facilities. Especially with the support of advanced technology, so easy to get the book.
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Ariel's Surrender to Police Headquarters

Nazriel "Ariel" Irham surrender to the Police Headquarters on Tuesday (22 / 6) at around 3:00 pm. Arrival vocalist Peterpan this because he was wanted by police since Monday (21 / 6). Ariel already convicted a suspect. Ariel lawyer, OC Kaligis, yesterday had come to Police Headquarters in order to resolve cases similar porn videos that his client was the culprit. Police investigators handling the case when a porn video that has been instructed by police officers to conduct a full investigation. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said a few days ago also embarrassed by the existence of such cases in Indonesia. The President has also ordered that the case is thoroughly investigated and the perpetrators snared law. So far the parties have not explained the Police Headquarters Public Relations regarding the surrender of Ariel. Police are now investigating six people related to the spread of the sex video. Cooperate with the police the day before a criminal law expert about the case. Experts who called them Choirul Huda and Rudi Satrio. Both were questioned today. Criminal law experts will interpret the Act No. 40 of 2008 on Pornography and the Law Number 11 year 2008 about the Information and Electronic Transactions, which states every person who produces, makes, reproduce, broadcast, importing, exporting, offering, traded, rented, or otherwise make available pornography can be sentenced to imprisonment.
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5 Surefire Way Of Dating Long Distance

Long-distance courtship was difficult to do. But if you are unsure of their feelings and is ready take care of myself even though the person did not exist before our eyes, why not? boundaries of love is not just space and time. As long as we have a strong love and a sincere intention, dating can also be managed remotely. In order for this relationship can continue and durable, below there are important ways for you follow. If you could both do it, you are guaranteed a myth that if it can beat distance dating 99% failed.

1. Clear Objectives
Before running a long distance courtship, we suggest you make sure this relationship where the goal,  want to be like what, how serious? This problem is very important for you to not run in vain relationship.
2. Really Love
Here was one more very important thing. You really love what he's not the same, and he really did not love what you? It seems funny to make inquiries, but would be more funny if you have an all-out courtship, there is only one of the kicks.
3. Mentally Ready
These things can make the most difficult hurdle if you do not discipline from now on. Mentally, to be sure you'll experience a lot of exams, for example, to miss and can not be met, or she suddenly got busy and could not receive a phone call from you, or maybe heard things from other people not wearing that is not necessarily true. If you're not strong mentally, it means you are not a person who can do long-distance courtship.
4. More Budget
Besides all the above, there is one more thing that should not be considered trivial, is the budget, if a nearby course still need to meet expenses, watching movies, etc., you can too heavy on the toll or ticket if you want to meet at.

How? has been carefully considered four points above? if you already believe and dare to do it, just go ahead, see how successful the following.
1. Communication
The most important things in dating long distance, none other than the communication. In a relationship like this, communication is very important and serves to maintain your relationship. So, keep your communications are always current and there are no things which are hidden from each other. Smooth communication does not mean you have to call or chat constantly, but if there's only annoying problem, you can talk about it openly and not use noisy.
2. Honest
Honesty is very important to prove if this relationship can be relied upon. What would happen if it is distant, lying?! remember the long-distance dating, that trust is an absolute requirement that can not be rescinded. So, do not let you lie.
3. Surprise
Lack of role in long-distance dating is likely to dull. What else did it for many years. So as not boring, you should be able to make a surprise for him to find this relationship alive and real. At all times or when there are special events (eg, Valentine's Day, birthday), give him a present, at least make him not get bored.
4. Close Environment
As much as possible, you try to get close to people close to him there. Benefited very much, they can become the person who gave the news about him if he was not able to preach to you, or even become a spy you if he's funny stuff.
5. Time Advantage
Another advantage if you rarely see him. If too often met, she could be tired of seeing the appearance of you who like it all the time. When you're apart, you actually own advantage at the time to improve themselves. So when you later, you've become a different, it makes him more proud of you.

It is five important ways so that your relationship success. Let's do with confidence and trust. Not need to listen to the myths of creepy about dating long distance, because if it is love, there should be no problem with distance and time.
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Teuku Wisnu Sing along Shireen Sungkar

Teuku Wisnu not just an expert acting, but can also sing. Do not believe? This proves it, he just made a single song Cinta Kita, which became the latest soundtrack which starred in soap operas, Cinta Fitri. Wisnu Does not only sing their own, but the duet with Shireen Sunkar, playmate who is also in the soap opera. If Shireen already exists in the world of singing, for Wisnu this is his debut as a singer. therefore, he could feel less confident when going bringing in songs Cinta Kita. Wisnu Confess often asked to Shireen and some friends who become a singer. He actually wanted to sing alone because if the duet there must be an adjustment at first. About the election itself became a singer, it turns out it was a soap opera fans demand it. Incidentally the MD believes if Wisnu has the potential to become a singer and he also voted for the duet with Shireen. Although could not confident and nervous, Wisnu now it feels enjoy and keep trying to exist in the world of music. reportedly, he has been recording a new single and a duet with newcomer female singers.
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Ringgo Agus Rahman Currently Not Want to Marry

No doubt many who know if the relationship Ringgo Agus Rahman By Revalina S. Temat gone on long enough. Even so, Ringgo not thought to improving relations into a more serious level. Do they not have plans to get married? When asked whether the family is no urgency to make decisions, let alone he did not already no longer young, Ringgo just said if her family handed over entirely is the same problem himself and Reva. What is certain now he was enjoying the relationship with Reva. "Reva is a woman I feel is most appropriate to my current. He was very understanding, simple, and can make me always to improve the quality of self, " He said.
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Agnes Monica Create Clothing Line

Artists on this one is multitalented. In addition to a busy college, Agnes is also still exist in the field of music and acting. After this there was still one more area to be worked by a girl who was born 24 years ago, that is fashion designer and owner of clothing line. It is still in preparation stage, but it will happen in the near future. Before issuing its products, Agnes doing market research first so that can have a view if the product is received by the community. Agnes is also still busy being one of the judges singing contest in one of the private television station in Indonesia. He also is preparing a new single that will soon be released. In the field of acting, new soap opera will also be aired in the near future.
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Shrine Dhanagun Aged 300 Years

Quiet atmosphere around the temple Dhanagun. As I entered this place of worship, the smell of incense direct tasteless. That afternoon, there is only a number of people there. Presumably, those who keep the pagoda. Shrine is located on Jl. Surya Kencana No. 1, Kelurahan Babakan Pasar, Middle District of Bogor, the city of Bogor, West Java. Places of worship this is the first pagoda in the city of Bogor. That is why, the building is included in cultural heritage. Himawan Arifin, who ran the Shrine Dhanagun, do not know exactly when the temple is built. Because, there are no documents stored there. "What we know, Dhanagun built in colonial times. So we expect this pagoda reaches age 300 years, "he said. Although the temple had hundreds of years old, the building was renovated in there only once, ie in 2000. It's also only just replaced the tile and wood. Meanwhile, the ornamentation of buildings is maintained. Building places of worship is still strong. Red and gold dominate the building. The colors were still bright. Dhanagun Shrine is one of the seven temples are visited by people. Those who came not only the people of Bogor, but also from Jakarta. The atmosphere at the pagoda did not like the quiet end of March 2010, when again there was the celebration of Lunar New Year, this pagoda is usually full of people. Wasp uproarious musical instruments that accompany the lion dance performances take place throughout the day. Dhanagun Shrine located close to Kebun Raya Bogor. In addition to places of worship, this temple are also to be the center of social activity. There are health clinics for the community surrounding it. This clinic is helping people around. Almost daily, people of different religions to queue for treatment. Local people hope the government to protect this temple. Because this place is part of Bogor.
The Best of Bogor: 21st Anniversary Edition

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Efek Rumah Kaca "Fill us like newspapers"

Minimalist ind
ie pop band whose name is pretty weird it was as a refresher in the middle of Indonesian pop music filled by new bands, who always talk about love from the viewpoint of those. Although the lyrics of their songs who occupied the same Cholil (vocals & guitar), Akbar (Drummer & backing vocals) and Adrian (Bass & backing vocals) is still talking about love. However, from a different angle. Love in a global scope ranging from the environment, about the concept of divinity, to express their concern to the political world They are promoting on their debut album. Besides been reproduced Cinta Melulu this album for the third time many also have a record label invites them to join and their bids all quite tempting. "This is a pride to us, but we're still thinking let us not be wrong for the future." Cholil said. Efek Rumah Kaca Actually been established in the year 2001 under the name Hush. But amid his journey They left behind two personnel namely Hendra (Guitar), and Sita (Piano). Busy looking for a replacement and there's no match with them, eventually Cholil and friends decided to fight three of course and directly use the new name, Super Ego. Due to hear from friends in Jogja same name already in use same local band in Jogja. Finally, a Efek Rumah Kaca drawn from one of their songs chosen so their band name.

Solo Career, Ariel asks Help Ahmad Dhani.

Latest news said, Ariel is often seen in the recording studio owned by Ahmad Dhani. It is said that Ariel is being recorded for the solo project of his career Dhani was not lying if he helps lead singer Peterpan these. "I was mixing aids," said Dhani when found in the office of MD Entertainment, Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Monday, May 10, 2010 night. As alluded to say about the issue. Ariel will join the Republic Cinta Management (RCM) which led. Dhani denies this According to this father of three children. he only helped Ariel's music. "Not true. I just help it," he said. Dhani revealed. Ariel did was do the recording Music that is brought, Luna Maya's lover is a pop rock genre. The news which would be sung song Ariel is the English language. Dhani opinion, which packaged Ariel's music been good. He just adds a little so that it looks excellent music. "The music was good. More adults than ever before," said frontman Dewa 19 this. Ariel's presence in the studio Dhani. could cause issues if Ariel Peterpan will pull it off and chose to pursue a solo career. For that matter, Dhani did not want to interfere. "If that Asked Ariel Straight out," he said.

Dashboard Confessional Ready Preheat Jakarta

Alter The EndingThe heat of Jakarta lately presumably will grow in the coming May 29. The reason is that day around at the Senayan, an American band Dashboard Confessional would react with carrying hits which is not foreign. For instance, Screaming Infidelities the award-winning MTV Video Music Award in 2002. Certainty of the presence, the band headed by Chris Carrabba was confirmed by POND'S Brand Manager Arief Tjakraamidjaja in Jakarta recently. "We already lock with them. Though several other Asean countries is aiming for a long time. Approaches to come to Indonesia as well we have done in early January. More or less 95% sure is coming!" he said. Arief added like a professional band, a band that has made seven albums that - THE SWISS ARMY Romance (2000), THE PLACES YOU HAVE COME TO FEAR The Most (2001), MTV Unplugged (2002), A MARK, A MISSION, A BRAND, A SCAR (2003), Dusk AND SUMMER (2006), THE SHADE OF TREES Poison (2007), and ALTER THE ENDING (2009) - Also includes equipment that was taken directly from the land of Uncle Sam. "If for other requests nothing yet. At about the accommodation and support businesses. If they stay at the Hotel Sultan," he said again. Continuing, in addition to Dashboard Confessional a number of local musicians such as Nidji, Afgan, The Changcuters,as well as efek rumah kaca, will enliven the POND'S Teen Concert for the second time this.

Kerispatih Sho
wn Prime With New Vocalist

CintakuKerispatih still exist, with the vocalist of choice the results of auditions conducted some time ago. Badai and his friends finally able to come back up since Sammy leave due to drug cases. He is Fandy. singer trained in "INDONESIAN Idol 2007" who had the honor to fill the position as vocalist. "We now have a new vocalist, his name Fandy. He who replaced Sammy, and this is our first appearance with the new format," said Badai encountered in the "Olympic Garden Mall", Malang. Fandy's presence, be sure to bring something different. He was the first time up to the stage "INBOX SCTV", this man immediately greeted by hundreds mahapatih. Spectators who had waited Kerispatih screaming hysterically. " Very pleased for sure, It turns out Kerispatih could still exist, it is today Mahapatih response so positive," Badai said with optimism. Existence fandy , said the keyboardist, will not change the frame Kerispatih. This group still remained in the path of the old music, although appearing more fresh. "Kerispatih is still the first. Still the same. Given Fandy, we are pleased to be appearing again," concluded Badai.

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Arif Suyono Save Sriwijaya

Samarinda Persisam failed to gain victory against Sriwijaya FC in Indonesia Cup qualifier. Time to lead 2-1 until the 88th minute, Arif Suyono, ultimately thwart Persisam victory. Sriwijaya Persisam and had to settle for sharing a single point, after the match in Group A ended with the score 2-2. Two goals Persisam hired attackers Thailand, Pipat Thonkaya. While the two goals scored the Warriors Wong Kito byAhmad Rivai and Arif Suyono. Although only get one point, but the Elang Borneo are still entitled to lead the standings with four points incision. Sriwijaya while collecting two points from two series of results. Persisam only need a draw against Persija. Match at the Gelora Sriwijaya Palembang, Monday, May 10, 2010, two teams of Indonesian Super League was a direct attack. Sriwijaya direct play three flagship player, Pavel Solomin, Keith Kayamba Gumbs, and Rahmad Rivai. However, the shock came from the visitors as the match entered the minutes into 12. Persisam succeeded in winning 1-0 after Pipat Thonkaya hacked goalkeeper who kept Fery Rotinsulu. Thonkaya managed to do pretty backheel, use bait Ronald Fagundes.Sriwijaya stronghold directly respond two minutes later. Laskar Wong Kito opportunity equalizer when Muhammad Roby handsball, in the box finalti. Unfortunately a penalty kick by Pavel, successfully blocked by goalkeeper Persisam Wawan Hendrawan. But the long-awaited Sriwijaya stronghold finally arrived. At minute 26, Rivai managed an equalizer for a 1-1. The former striker was able to capitalize on the speed Persitara Octavianus a slit on the right side of defense Persisam. Octavianus can feed measurable Rivai calmly executed after the defender had time to outwit one Persisam. This 1-1 score stood until halftime finally. Entering the second half, Sriwijaya was still able to excel in the mastery of the ball. Not only that, trident-derived Rahmad Darmawan also makes Wawan Hendrawan had to work hard under the rule.But again, the game effectively Persisam able to make Sriwijaya behind. At minute 76, Pipat back hacked Fery wicket, after utilizing football corner. The ball failed headings his partner Zainal Arif, successfully transmitted with the measured kick. 2-1 Persisam for excellence.Sriwijaya directly hooked to play aggressive. But the game brilliantly Wawan, plus Sriwijaya misfortunes make this score is likely to persist.Fortunate decision Rahmad Darmawan, Arif Suyono enter fruitless at minute 88. Arif managed to score an equalizer for a 2-2 as well. This score did not change until the game ended.

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Wedding Malvino & I
ne Azri
Ine Azri and Malvino happy because both are ready to live a new life as husband and wife. Happy feeling increasingly evident since the Magazine was in the bridal dressing room.Increasingly radiated joy and happiness when they were preparing the wedding reception. In the same place Ine Azri & Malvino hold weddings, both dressed in traditional Sundanese exquisite blend of modern results. Not surprisingly, Malvino & Ine Azri very graceful in the aisle. More lively atmosphere when invited guests seen arriving to fill the room, ranging from the artist until next of kin. Apparent bright smile graced the lips of both.

Samuel & Indri Dating Again

Samuel was the same as at the first appearance, long hair and revealing clothes. But now he does not dating anymore with Gracia Indri, romance interwoven both foundered because of differences of principle. Though they never dreamed of looking for a relationship of husband and wife. So who is the woman who now is in the hearts replace Samuel. Love grows in the arid heart easily wither and die, Like that is going on between Samuel & Indri, imagine when they were dating romance looks so real. Though their marriage is only one step back, unfortunately they'd chosen end. But since they broke up they were both happy to be alone. If so will the seeds of love will grow back in their hearts. Samuel may just be delighted if her former lover happy, but Samuel's expression changed when he learned Indri dating another man. Then why not return again, if so any woman who can melt her heart.

Ciko Jericho & Bella want to get married
Ciko Jericho & Lidiya Cintia Bella increasingly sticky, they no longer awkwardly together in a show, they also wear proper clothing lovers. When questioned they just smiled at this. But is it true that as a sign of a desire to get married this year. They still seem to hesitate to express his dream to get married, maybe there was something a lump in their hearts. Whereas fellow artist had many contemporaries who dare to take the commitment to marry. Not only that, they also have a large family romance interwoven bless them both. So when his colleagues followed the intention to marry be accomplished?
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